OUC Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 2024 OUC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 9, 2025. Details, location, agenda and materials will be provided to OUC club presidents in February.
Three Levels of Protection
Ontario Underwater Council The Ontario Underwater Council (OUC) would like to remind everyone of the three levels of protection we offer to support and safeguard our community. 1) Preventive Measures. The OUC board and club representatives collaborated to update our Risk Management Document. This led to the release of the [...]
Happy New Membership Year!
Ontario Underwater Council Happy New Year OUC Clubs and Members, It's time to renew your Club Membership for 2025 with the Ontario Underwater Council. Members: Please join your scuba club again this year. Club Membership Directors: Please go to the "Club Membership" section to download the OUC Excel Membership Submission [...]
Clarification of OUC coverage for Fall Students
Ontario Underwater Council Summary: January to August Student Member Enrolment: Pay OUC for Student Members at the beginning of their scuba course. September to December Student Member Enrolment: Pay OUC for Fall Student Members at club renewal time the following year. Insurance coverage for Fall Students begins in the Fall and continues to the end of the following year. Details: [...]
Indemnity Agreement for Minors
Ontario Underwater Council The form called "OUC Acknowledgement of Risk and Indemnity Agreement for Minor Child Participant, hereinafter referred to as Indemnity Agreement," has the following instructions for Ontario Underwater Council participants: Both Parents of a Minor Child participating in OUC sanctioned activities must correctly complete the Indemnity Agreement for [...]
Top Six Diving Safety Tips
Ontario Underwater Council The Ontario Underwater Council thought this might be a timely reminder as we enter the new year. As a community, we continue to strive for what we believe to be safe diving practices. Here we offer six safety tips based on a DAN report. View Top Six [...]
OUC Needs YOU!
Ontario Underwater Council ~ Is scuba diving a passion of yours? Do you love getting wet? (dry suit divers may also apply). Then the Ontario Underwater Council needs you! The OUC is proud of its leadership in the Ontario scuba diving community. Since 1958 we have been representing the [...]