Ontario Underwater Council



This is a 2 year elected position. The term for this position ends at the AGM in odd numbered years.

General Mandate: Accountable to the Ontario Underwater Council Membership for the overall operation of the Council.


  1. Act as chairman of the Board of Directors.
  2. Ensure that each Director is assuming full responsibility and accountability for their respective area.
  3. Be responsible for the fiscal policies and financial stability of the Council
  4. Be visible throughout the diving community as the President of the OUC
  5. Accept responsibility for all OUC programs which are directly run by an appointed Chairman for which no Director is directly responsible
  6. Be responsible to ensure the OUC’s position and overall image are being properly presented.
  7. Co-ordinate with the Director of Membership to organize the AGM.
  8. Attend all Board of Director meetings


  1. Explore various fundraising initiatives
  2. Establish better relationships with manufacturers and retailers
  3. Liaise with other Provincial Councils
  4. Define the role of the OUC as a consumer advocate “where does the OUC come into disputes etc between divers, retailers, manufacturers and agencies”



This is normally a 2 year elected position. The term for this position ends at the AGM in even numbered years.

General Mandate: Responsible for looking out for the safety of divers in Ontario.


  1. Review Scuba Incidents and liaise with various investigative organizations
  2. Make recommendations and ensure the publication of OUC’s 72 Hour Incident Report
  3. Assist in the review of sanctioning of events
  4. Assist in maintaining the Club Insurance Requirements and Risk Management document
  5. Assist in reviewing insurance and general risk management policies
  6. Develop and implement programs to improve the safety of Scuba Diving
  7. Work with other Board members and portfolio holders when asked to assist in safety questions
  8. Review the contents of and make recommendations to upgrade and/or expand the OUC Website as a functional resource for the sport diving community
  9. Attend all Board of Director meetings


  1. Assist in maintaining an exciting and informative website to encourage membership and provide information to Ontario divers.
  2. Assist with increasing the Council’s visibility and safety portfolio



This is normally a 2 year elected position. The term for this position ends at the AGM in odd numbered years.

General Mandate: Ensure the continuation of the Council’s strong and diverse membership base, while further developing strategies for obtaining new members from non-traditional sources of new divers.


  1. Coordinate the efforts of the Regional Coordinators in maintaining an effective communication with all member and non-member clubs.
  2. Ensure maximum renewal of members.
  3. Ensure that each non-member club is approached with a presentation as to why to join the OUC.
  4. Evaluate all areas of membership benefits and costs.
  5. Develop appropriate strategies for obtaining new members from
    • Current non-member clubs
    • Dive store affiliate programs
    • Independent Instructors
    • Training agency endorsements
  6. Ensure that regular club visitations are documented and that effective follow up on areas of concern is initiated
  7. In conjunction with the finance director recommend any membership fee increases
  8. Review any publications of the council relating directly with membership
  9. Attend all Board of Director meetings
  10. Arrange for Council presence at regional and provincial events


  1. Increase commercial and individual membership
  2. In conjunction with Industry director formalize retail and club visitation and appropriate reporting method to track
  3. Prepare plan to attract more individual members who have been trained through stores



This is a 2 year elected position. The term for this position ends at the AGM in odd numbered years.

General Mandate: Ensure that all OUC communication vehicles (Website, Newsletter, Scuba Community Directory, Shipwreck & Shore Dive Directory’ etc.) are clear, correct, complete, and published in a timely manner.


  1. Ensure the publication of OUC’s online “Ontario Scuba Community Directory” quarterly
  2. Ensure quarterly publication of the OUC newsletter
  3. Review the contents of and make recommendations to upgrade and/or expand the OUC Website as a functional resource for the sport diving community
  4. Attend all Board of Director meetings


  1. Assist in maintaining an exciting and informative website to encourage membership and provide information to Ontario divers.
  2. Assist with increasing the Council’s visibility and media coverage



This is a 2 year elected position. The term for this position ends at the AGM in even numbered years.

General Mandate: To be responsible for ensuring adherence to the OUC fiscal policy, to develop an annual operating budget and to ensure regular monitoring of budget adherence.


  1. Establish the consolidated operating budget in conjunction with the Board of Directors and the Office Administrator.
  2. Participate in the development of budgets for each council operating divisions i.e. Treasure Hunt, Air Test Program
  3. Review monthly financial statements and conduct quarterly budget reviews.
  4. Prepare detailed six month financial performance evaluation
  5. Monitor the cost effectiveness of all OUC programs and initiate a Board review whenever poor program performance requires.
  6. Ensure all government reporting deadlines are met. Includes Corporate filings and Board revisions
  7. Ensure all third party funding handled by the OUC is properly administered
  8. Prepare necessary documentation for the annual audit and the year-end audit process is completed in a timely manner.
  9. Attend all Board of Director meetings.


  1. Diversify OUC’s funding sources
  2. Continue to explore various fundraising initiatives
  3. Review each of the Council’s programs with a goal of having each program self-funding