Sanctioning Requirements

The Policy provides coverage on sanctioned activities. Member Clubs and OUC must adhere to event / activity sanctioning procedure:

  1. Member Club’s Executive must approve all activities before they occur, including training sessions and club meetings.
  2. Only duly-authorized Executive may submit
  3. Each different “Type of Activity” must be separately submitted
  4. Similar, recurring activities may group together into a single submit request (e.g. monthly meetings, weekly pool nights)
  5. Activities cannot be sanctioned retroactively. (i.e. after the fact.)
  6. Member Clubs must submit sanction requests online at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled activities. The OUC will respond with a sanctioning decision (e.g. sanctioning approval or sanctioning condemnation) in a timely manner. Under exceptional circumstances, Member Clubs may apply for sanctioning in less than 5 business days.
  7. All member and/or parents of minor member participants,  non-diving volunteer workers to OUC sanctioned activities must complete the OUC Online Liability Release and/or Indemnity Agreements with current OUC membership number at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled activities.
  8. The OUC Online Liability Release requirement is exempted for non-member participants to non-diving events open to the public.
  9. A Member Club’s Executive are responsible for ensuring the completeness and correctness of Releases and Indemnity Agreements.

    OUC will e-mail the certificate of insurance with the additional named insured/s to all e-mail addresses identified above with 5 business days of submission.