Ontario Underwater Council
A One-year OUC Individual Blue Membership Fee is only: $50.00
A One-year OUC Individual Gold Membership Fee is only: $67.00
Individual members using this page to join the OUC are independent divers. An Independent membership is for divers who belong to a club which is NOT affiliated with the OUC, who dive through a retail store, or any diver who wishes to support diving in Ontario.
If you are a member of an OUC Member Club, you should contact the membership person within your club to confirm your OUC status.
If your club is not an OUC Member Club, you might want to have a Director of your club get in touch with the OUC to discuss how an OUC membership benefits Clubs, their members, and the sport of scuba diving.
OUC Individual Membership Benefits and Services include:
- All Individual members have the privilege of knowing that they are supporting the sport of Scuba Diving in Ontario. To see what this means, please go to our ABOUT page and see what the OUC represents to diving. We are the Voice of Ontario Divers and we exist to serve you. This only happens through your support of us.
- Individual members are especially welcome to run for a position on our Board, take on a role as a Regional Coordinator, take on a portfolio or work with one of our committees, or just come out and join the fun.
- Individual Gold members have a vote at the OUC’s Annual General Meeting.
In addition to the above benefits, your membership in OUC contributes directly to:
- Promoting safe scuba diving through a variety of programs and informational services
- Earning the privilege of sport self-governance
- Strengthening the Voice of the Ontario Diver in OUC’s advocacy role
- Contributing to cultural and environmental awareness by supporting OUC’s “zero-impact” diving philosophy
- Promoting Ontario as the world’s best freshwater shipwreck diving destination