Latest News
Christmas Update from OUC President
Hello OUC Members The OUC Transition team has an update and it includes an early Christmas present! We continue to work with the OUC partner AProductions to maintain the OUC operations for the website, membership and finances. We are now working towards an early 2024 Annual General Meeting(AGM). The top priority was to secure OUC Member Club insurance for the 2024 dive season. The great news is that we have secured the policy with the components we prioritized: OUC and OUC Member Club Directors and Officers coverage Commercial General Liability Errors and Omissions SCUBA and Skin diving activities Non-Diving activities [...]
Lake Sturgeon Setlines – May 30 to June 16
OUC has been notified by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that Lake Sturgeon setlines in Southern Lake Huron near the Blue Water Bridge in US waters have been deployed Tuesday May 30 and continue until Friday June 16. Each setline consists of a "mother line" which is approximately 600 ft long. Each mother line is anchored to the bottom of the river. On the line we attach 50 hooks that are 10 ft apart. The hooks are attached to the mother line with a clip that can be taken off of the mother line by hand. The clip, twine, and [...]
New Federal Regulations – Your Comments Invited
Proposed regulations for national marine conservation areas / Projet de règlement sur les aires marines nationales de conservation Parks Canada is developing general regulations under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (2002) to help manage national marine conservation areas--a type of marine protected area administered by Parks Canada. National marine conservation areas are established for the purpose of protecting and conserving representative marine areas for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the people of Canada and the world. General regulations are nationally consistent and enforceable tools that will apply to all national marine conservation areas established under the [...]
The Ontario Underwater Council Needs YOU!
Is SCUBA diving a passion of yours? Do you love getting wet (drysuit divers may also apply)? Then the OUC NEEDS YOU! The OUC is proud of its leadership in the Ontario SCUBA diving community. Since 1958 we have been representing the Ontario and in many cases the Canadian diving community. Our proudest achievement is the self-governing of SCUBA and SKIN diving activities in the province of Ontario. Some may not know, but in Quebec you are licensed by the provincial government with regular renewals and fees! The ship has lost some crew, and as divers you know what happens [...]
2021 Top Six Diving Safety Tips
The Ontario Underwater Council thought this might be a timely reminder as we enter 2021. As a community, we continue to strive for what we believe to be safe diving practices. Here we offer six safety tips based on a DAN report. View 2021 Top Six Diving Safety Tips